A Guide To Surfing With Kids

A woman surfing in the ocean.
Photo Courtesy: Emma Bukowski

Teaching kids a new skill like surfing early is like hitting the jackpot. Many of the surfing legends we admire today caught their first waves when they were knee-high. That head start probably played a big role in making them into the ocean prodigies we know them as today. For me, one day getting my kids on surfboards and embarking on a family surf vacation isn’t just about fine-tuning their skills. It’s about passing on a love affair with the waves that connects them to the big, blue world out there.

In a time where kids are getting cozier with screens than with nature, surfing becomes a radical escape from a digital vortex. Embracing this gift means tackling challenges, both physical wipeouts and mental bumps in confidence and maybe a few accidental bumps from the board. Consider this article a guide to kids surfing – a roadmap through the exhilarating journey! 

Falling in Love with the Beach

A woman holding a baby on a beach, as part of our guide to surging with kids.
Photo Courtesy: Emma Bukowski

Getting your kiddo hooked on the beach is like a slow dance. It’s all about taking it step by step, especially if they’re not best buds with the sandy shores or if they’re still in the tiny tot phase. Before you even think about surfboards, you’ve got to sprinkle in some love for the beach. Let them dip their toes into the sandy goodness, play shoreline games, and let them test the waters. Familiarizing them with the beach scene is like the secret to forging those feelings of joy. When they’re ready, take a stroll through the waves together, and teach them the art of leaping over the foamy water. Just remember to move to your kid’s own rhythm, respect their comfort levels, and keep the pressure at bay—let them explore this environment at their own pace.

Also, read: 15+ Best Things To Do In Barbados With Kids

Teaching Shoreline Savvy

Kids carry boogie boards along a board walk on a South Carolina island.
Photo Courtesy: Anna Massion

Whether your little adventurers are thinking of catching waves or not, making sure they’re beach safety pros is a must, especially when it comes to time in the ocean. Here are some tips for teaching them shoreline savvy! 

  • Lifeguards are your beach BFFs. Opting for a spot with these heroes in red is a smart move, no matter how much of a surf guru you are. It not only adds a layer of peace for you but also kicks off a beach education for kiddos. Learning about beach flags and tide warnings is Ocean Safety 101.
  • Before the surf dreams kick in, being a strong swimmer is non-negotiable. My golden advice? Dive into pool practice first. Let them get cozy with the sensations of being underwater, practice holding their breath, and make sure they’re able to keep their head above water before hitting the big blue.
  • Of course, being a strong swimmer is the ultimate goal, but don’t shy away from safety equipment like water wings, especially for the tiny tots. Life jackets aren’t just cool, they’re like a safety superhero, giving kids an extra boost of confidence and making sure their heads stay above water. It’s all about a surf day that’s as safe as it is fun.

Getting kids on the good beach behavior train is a breeze – it’s good practice to remind them every time to take back everything they haul to the beach. Introducing eco initiatives through the idea of play can be a great way to get your kids interested and behaving responsibly in regard to the environment. I always turn the initiative #take3forthesea into a leaving-the-beach game – who can scoop up three pieces of trash the fastest?

Dipping Toes Into Surfing Fun

A young girl standing on a beach holding a surfboard on Kiawah Island.
Photo Courtesy: Gunjan Prakash

When your little one is ready, it’s time to let the surfing adventures begin. Don’t forget that surfing with kids is a whole different experience – start off with the basics: getting comfy with the water, chilling on a surfboard, and nailing down the ABCs of surfing. Think of it like the warm-up before the big show. In the early days, take them to easy-peasy, flat waves, and let the surfboard become their new best friend. A bit of gently pushing them around on the board turns into hours of giggles, splashes, and all-around good times. Encouraging them through play, like jumping from your board into the water, ‘Who can make the biggest splash?’ is always a winner.

Surf Gear 101

Four people, each holding surf boards, walk across a beach in Barbados. Barbados is a great place to go surfing with kids!
Photo Courtesy: Barbados Tourism Marketing Inc.

Picking the right surfboard is the golden ticket to a fun and safe surfing session for your little ones. Having the wrong board is likely to end in tears of frustration and a total wipeout fest. For the littlest wave riders, start with a boogie board – it was my go-to wave rider as a kid, and I couldn’t get enough of it.

As they level up in age, they switch to a soft-top foam surfboard. They’re light, sturdy, and like a safety net in the water. The goal here is to boost their confidence in the water, so go for a board that’s appropriate for their height. And remember, it’s not just about the board; learning how to bail off it safely is a crucial skill. Depending on your surf spot and how chilly the water gets, a wetsuit is a necessity keeping them warm and allowing them to enjoy the water for longer as they dive into the surfing scene.

Surfing Skills on Solid Ground

A woman walks across the sand with a paddleboard at Delray Beach.
Photo Courtesy: Peter W. Cross

Just like any budding surfer, your little ones need to master the art of land practice. Starting off on dry land lets kids dive into the basics of surfing moves, getting those motions locked into their muscle memory. It’s like the warm-up before the big show, helping them confidently tackle the board. From perfecting the pop-up to finding their balance and mastering the art of paddling, learning on land first will make their surfing debut much less daunting.

But it’s not all about moves – land practice is also the perfect time to give them the lowdown on their surfboard’s components, from fins to nose and tail. Take a minute to help them figure out which leg the leash should go on and whether they are goofy or not. I like to turn pop-up drills into a game of Simon Says by using these three steps:

  • Step One: Lay on the board, channel your inner fish, and paddle fast.
  • Step Two: Cobra pose time! Keep your arms straight and lift that head and back.
  • Step Three: Front foot action – slide their foot forward, until it’s under their chest, and voilà, stand up like a surf pro.

Fun Times in Shallow Waters

Four young boys stand in front of their own surfboards on the beach.
Photo Courtesy: Allie Reed

As I mentioned earlier, having your little one lay on the board while you give them a push is a starting point for them to practice all those moments they mastered on dry land. Getting used to the uneven surface of the water will take some time. Have them practice lying down, standing and balancing, practicing their paddle technique, and even learning to jump and fall off the board safely.

Once they’re feeling comfortable in calm, flat waters, it’s time to level up to the kiddie waves. Stick to the shallow zones at first where they can still stand when they come off the board. Let them hold onto the board in the shallows and feel the way the waves make it move while lying down. Help them catch these smaller, foamy waves and get them practicing their paddle. This helps set them up to feel when they’ve caught a wave and will be invaluable when they’re going solo later. Once they’ve got the hang of wave-catching while lying down, guide them through the standing-up magic in three smooth steps.

Skills take time to bloom, so be their biggest cheerleader even when they’re not catching the wave rhythm immediately. A little wipeout might feel like a big deal at first, so meet them with understanding and plenty of encouragement, and they’ll be back on the board in no time. Make sure they are taking regular breaks, surfing is a tiring activity, even for adults so encourage them to listen to their body and catch some rest when needed.

Surfing Lessons Ahead

A teen girl on a surf board catching a wave. Surfing with kids is easy when you have a great surfboard!

As your kids grow and catch that wave of confidence, think about sending them to surf lessons for kids. Even if you’re a seasoned surfer, there’s always something new to learn from different folks, plus it gives you a bit of a breather too. They’re sure to make friends with other budding surfers too. Consider going on family surfing vacations to get everybody involved in their new passion – who knows, they might snag some awesome wave-loving buddies from around the world!

Getting your little ones into the surf scene is like unlocking a treasure chest of skills and a deep love for the ocean. It’s not just about teaching them a sport; it’s about weaving life lessons and a love affair with the sea into their world. Sharing a passion with your kids is one of those parent superpowers, linking them not only to you but also to the world out there and setting the stage for a lifetime of wave-filled joy.  

Check out Getyourguide’s list of surf lessons here!

Best Destinations For Surfing With Beginners/Young Kids

A young boy learns to surf in Hawaii, with an instructor behind him helping balance the surf board.

Once you’ve got the basics down on our guide to surfing with kids, it’s time to explore a few of the best destinations to go surfing with beginners/young kids. Keep reading to learn more! 

  • Waikiki Beach in Oahu, Hawaii is known for its gentle rolling waves and offers an ideal environment for novice surfers to gain confidence on their boards. “Queens Surf” near the Hilton Hawaiian Village has small and consistent waves, making it ideal for learning. 
  • Tamarindo Beach in Costa Rica is widely known for its gentle beginner-friendly waves and warm waters. Plus, the beach offers a variety of surf schools, such as Iguana Surf, that provide lessons for children of all ages, so they’ll have a fun time while learning some new skills. 
  • Bali in Indonesia also deserves a mention when considering suitable spots for surfing with young kids due to its numerous kid-friendly breaks scattered along Kuta Beach’s coastline. Families can expect gentle waves offering ideal conditions for children learning how to catch their first wave from local guides.
  • For those who prefer a European adventure combined with memorable surf sessions, Lagos in Portugal has picturesque golden sand beaches and a range of schools catering specifically to young surf enthusiasts. Meia Praia, a long, wide beach located just outside of Lagos, has consistent waves, attracting both beginners and experienced surfers. 

Be sure to check prices on the Families Love Travel booking site for discounted rates on your hotel reservations! Sign-up is complimentary!

Happy Surfing! 

A woman surfing in the ocean.
Photo Courtesy: Emma Bukowski

We hope you liked this Guide To Surfing With Kids by our contributor Emma Bukowski! From surf gear to the best places to surf with little kids, we hope it helps ignite your little one’s love for the ocean. Happy surfing! 

About The Author: 

Emma Bukowski is the founder of Noserider Surf Club. She designs functional and stylish surf suits that allow female surfers of all levels and sizes to feel beautiful and confident in the water.

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