Braving the Walk 360 at the Brighton 360 – Climbing high to Brighton’s best views!

I’ve visited the Brighton i360 many times over the years. I love seeing Brighton from a different perspective. I have also thoroughly enjoyed visiting some of the venue’s special events such as taking the kids to see Father Christmas and zenning out for some sky high yoga. I’ve always felt safe and secure inside the glass pod, looking down at the old West Pier and beyond towards the Seven Sisters. So why, oh why would anyone wish to leave that sense of security and climb on to the exterior of the pod while it is at it’s maximum height of 138m? Let me tell you…

What is Walk 360?

Walk 360 is one of three new, extreme activities that guests to the i360 can now enjoy. For this experience you’ll be harnessed up before climbing onboard the pod and ascending to the tower’s full height of 138m above sea level. Once the pod is secured in this position the highly trained (and super friendly) climbing team check your harness before guiding you to the ladder leading to the pod’s exterior. Strapped in and secured every step of the way you’ll emerge on top of the pod to take in the most incredible, breath-taking views across Brighton and East Sussex. You’ll then have around 15 minutes to navigate your way around the 360 degree walk right around the top of the pod and back to the ladder point.

What you need to know..

How old? Age 10 + Walk 360 is a great family outing for half term or school holidays.

How long? The experience takes around 1.5 hours from start to finish. You’ll have around 15 minutes on top of the pod.

How much? £40 per person.

Anything else? Wear suitable footwear and wrap up warm…and don’t forget your camera for those beaut views. The team have a few camera cases available to borrow so you don’t have to worry about dropping them.

My thoughts..

I was originally supposed to do the Walk 360 with my 13 year old daughter, but she got cold feet as we were harnessing up. I guess the lesson I learnt is to make sure your party know exactly what is involved when you book. I was nervous before the climb and genuinely am not a fan of heights – but this felt okay! No. It felt awesome! The views were utterly breath-taking and being up there in the cold, fresh air was about as exhilarating as it gets! There was a sense of comradery amongst all the climbers in our group, several of which were children aged around 10-14. We encouraged and motivated each other when we sensed a wobble of nerves. I thought I’d be desperate to get back to the safety of the pod, but once I was up and settled I was in no hurry. Happily taking in the the sights, sounds and freedom of being above the rest of the city. The fifteen minutes whizzed by. I’d do it again in a heart beat. Genuinely can not recommend Walk 360 enough.

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